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The Power of (Social Media) Community


Baby #3 growing in our hearts

Okay, Social Media, we’re turning to you! 🙂
Though some people may be cynical about the value of social media, we believe much good and beauty can come as a result of people coming together online for a cause!

As many of you know, we are currently in the process of fundraising for our adoption, and we are realizing just how beautifully and humbly dependent we are on people to make our adoption possible. If you’ve read the last couple posts, you know that it’s already been quite an emotional journey as we try to tackle the $40,000 required in order to bring baby home. (you read that right: $40,000). In addition to our fundraising events, I am facepainting and selling Fair Trade products on the side and putting all of my earnings into our adoption fund in efforts to chip away at the mountain of money we need. Through these different ways, we’ve been able to fundraise $3,119 so far!

Just last week, however, the power of social media community hit me. I realized that if each of my Facebook friends donated just $22(!), we would raise all the funds needed for our adoption! Just $22! While it’s embarrassing to write that I have 1,700 Facebook friends (b/c I’ve been teased about it in the past:), there’s so much beauty in that number!

On the one hand, if 100 people gave $400 each, we would raise $40,000! But knowing that most people cannot part with that much money at one time, there’s something beautiful about lots of people giving just a $20 bill. So if 1,700 people gave $22 each, that would equal $37,400 total! Put that together with our $3,119 already raised and that would equal $40,519!
Exactly what we need for our adoption!

So to sum that up:

100 people give $400 each = $40,000
1700 people give $22 each = $37,400 + our $3,119 = $40,519!

So as hard as this is, I am writing to ask if you would consider donating towards our baby’s adoption. Whether you donate $20 or $200, you will get to see the literal fruit of your donation: a child placed in a forever family and a family given a child – and these relationships will last a lifetime! So your one-time donation will have a LIFELONG ripple effect.

When I sit down and think about it, it literally brings tears to my eyes! People from the around the world, coming together for a cause, can literally change our family and a child’s life forever. It drives home the truth that we can do more together than we can do apart. And so we are turning to social media to help make that truth come to life.

Did you know the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge raised over $100 million in a matter of weeks?? That’s the beauty of social media community! People coming together for a cause to bless people they don’t even know. And just as that was possible for the ALS Foundation, we believe it’s possible for our baby’s adoption.

So would you consider coming together with those from around the U.S. (and hopefully even the world!) to bless our adoption journey with a donation? We would be so humbled and grateful for your support. <3 To donate, just click on the donate button below (the button is also on the sidebar to your right), and your donation will go directly into our adoption fund!


If you’d like to learn more about why our family is choosing to adopt, please click here.

And if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email or a tweet or a fb message!

Thank you for reading this and for changing a child’s life and our family’s life with a one-time donation!


  1. Sheree on September 23, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    Is there a way we can track your progress with you!?? Yay Mitchell’s!!! Love you guys!

    • on September 30, 2014 at 7:36 pm

      Yes! I just added a page to my blog in the far right corner called “Adoption Fundraising Update”. Click there to see the latest in how much has been raised for our sweet little baby! Love you girlfriend!

  2. Stephanie on September 23, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    Friend, I can not wait to hold that baby:) May the Lord bless and keep you, may the Lord shine upon you, and bring you favor. I’m in with you all! Amen

    • on September 30, 2014 at 7:37 pm

      Thank you so much, sister! All this fundraising and praying and hoping and waiting is going to lead to one very loved and smothered-in-kisses baby! 🙂 Thank you for your prayers and support. Love you so much!

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