There is a lot of fear and anxiety circulating in the collective and in our own lives, and I know 2020 has been one for the books.
With a global pandemic, anxiety and depression stats through the roof, divorce 34% higher this year than it was last year, mass layoffs, systemic racism and oppression rampant as ever, it is understandable to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and overpowered.
While fully acknowledging that, I don't want you to forget this critical truth:
You still have power.
Despite how it may look around you and what you might be feeling, you still have the power to create any reality you want.
And I know that's not always what we want to hear!
We want permission to quit!
We want to throw our hats in!
We want to be done with it all.
But, my love, where will that get you?
Are you really ready to call it quits on your dream? On your destiny? On your greatness?
I have to believe there's something deep inside you saying this can't be all there is. This can't be how it ends.
And I want to reassure you: that voice is telling you the truth.
There is so much out there for you!
- It is still just as possible to create the life of your dreams!
- It is still just as possible to become everything you were born to be!
- It is still just as possible to experience new levels of love, abundance, prosperity, happiness, and success!
While circumstances are changing, universal law does not.
Your thoughts still create form! (Law of Mentalism)
You still operate at the level of cause in your life! (Law of Cause and Effect)
Your intentions dictate your experience! (Law of Intention)
When you're willing to turn inward and live by these laws, your external circumstances have no choice but to reflect back to you what you're believing and what you're creating from the inside out.
In other words, your reality will catch up to what you believe and embody!
That's how powerful you are!
When you do the inner work, replace limiting beliefs with ones that serve and support you, and fully operate in your power, you can turn any situation around, including the clusterfuck of 2020!
And that's what I want for you for the remaining 3 months of 2020!
- I want you to still have the most magical year yet (this year ain't even close to being over).
- I want you to experience mind-blowing levels of love, happiness, success, and abundance.
- I want you to step powerfully into your identity as co-creator of your life and DECIDE how this year will end for you.
I want you to have it all - precisely because it's 2020!
I know it looks like 2020 has tried to fuck with you all year long, but I'm here to tell you:
You are unfuckwithable!
You are a powerhouse!
You are the source of all that is and can create anything you want!
And I don't want you to forget that a second longer.
Which is why I am so stoked to introduce to you:
Unfuckwithable: a 14 week journey to taking your power back and turning 2020 into the year of your dreams!
This is not the time to slow down.
This is not the time to start playing small.
This is the time to dial it in, rise to the occasion, and go all in on your power as the co-creator of your life!
Here's what I know to be true:
To make 2020 your bitch, you have to have a rock solid foundation that can carry you through ALL seasons of life (including 2020), the tools to navigate your rising, and the ability b monetize tf outta yourself.
That was you can BE you, DO you, and MAKE MONEY as you.
That is what I want for you!
- Imagine having the foundation that catches you every time you fall and bounces you right back up.
- Imagine having the tools to know exactly what to do to generate the energy, emotion, and momentum necessary to carry your life forward, especially when it's hard. (My clients excel at this!)
- Imagine knowing how to take radical responsibility and get out of your own way so the magic and miracles can flow (because they're trying to enter your life, I promise!).
- Imagine knowing how to make money no matter what is happening around you, making security and stability your NORM, rather than the exception.
- Imagine opening yourself up to new levels of health, wealth, success, and happiness right here, right now in the last 3 months of 2020.
This is exactly what you're going to learn inside Unfuckwithable!!
I want you to fucking DOMINATE 2020.
I want you to finish this year strong so that 2021 begins with you at your highest and best, not your lowest and worst!
I want you fully embodying and fully expressing unfuckwithable energy so that nothing can stop you and everything you want comes to you.
I want you to be the powerful manifestor, cocreator, and badass you were born to be, letting 2020 FUEL you, not stop you.
This is why over the next 3 months, I will be providing you with life-changing content, support, and LIVE coaching calls every single week so that you fucking dominate 2020!
Here's the breakdown of Unfuckwithable:
October 2020: Worthiness
Here's the thing: if you do not have a rock solid understanding of your worth, you will ALWAYS accept less than what you deserve. And when you accept less than what you deserve, you end up sabotaging your own happiness and success!
Knowing your worth is the foundation to your flourishing.
Knowing your worth is KEY to unlocking new levels of success, happiness, and abundance.
Knowing your worth is required for upleveling.
- You have to KNOW you're worthy.
- You have to FEEL worthy.
- You have to IDENTIFY as worthy.
And you have to stop settling for anything less than what you're worthy of.
To help you do just that and master your worthiness once and for all, I'll be dropping 5 modules on the topic of Worthiness for the month of October to help you build a solid foundation, fully integrate your worthiness, and know how to call in everything you're worthy of.
These modules ($888 value) are some of my favorites and will absolutely change your life.
November: Unfucking Yourself
You have to know how to get out of your own way - or as I like to say it, you have to know how to unfuck yourself if you want to become everything you were born to be.
You have to stop blaming and start taking radical responsibility.
You have to understand that your power lies in your response.
You have to grasp that you don't have to wait for anything to change before you can rise up and call in whatever it is that you want.
And being able to do that requires you to forgive yourself and others.
Forgiveness isn't fluff.
It is the substance of happiness and success and is more profitable and productive than any funnel you can create.
Want to open up the floodgates on blessings in your life?
Learn how to forgive.
Learn how to take radical responsibility for your life.
Learn how to unfuck yourself.
I'll be dropping 5 modules ($888 value) on how to do just that during the month of November - so that you can finally, fully get out of your own way and let the magic and miracles come flooding into your life.
December: Make Money Being You
Want even more happiness, success, and abundance?
You gotta know how to monetize yourself.
Gone are the days where working harder makes you more dollars.
It just doesn't.
(If that was the case, some of the world's most poor would be the richest because they work the hardest).
You have to understand the currency and energy of money and know how to monetize YOUR frequency and energy.
Once you do, it becomes incredibly easy to make money doing what you love most, while working less and less. And that's what we all want going forward, right?
So for the month of December, I'm dropping 4 modules ($777 value) on How to Monetize Your Sh*t so that you can do what you love and make money doing it!
All of this is designed to give you the foundation, tools, and tips to having it all.
But I don't want to stop there.
When you sign up for Unfuckwithable, you also get LIVE group coaching calls every.single.week. for the rest of 2020! ($5,991 value)
Not only will you be getting life-changing modules every single week for the rest of 2020, but you'll also have LIVE group coaching calls every single week so that you stay in the flow, build the momentum, and get where you want to go!
The first and third of every week, we'll do a LIVE Zoom call so you can ask questions in real time and connect with everyone in the group.
The rest of the weeks I'll be doing a Facebook live where I will riff and teach on the topics at hand as well as answer any questions you have!
All designed to give you the coaching support to keep you motherfucking going!
PLUS you will be added to a private Facebook group where you have unlimited access to me and my support ($2,991 value) and to one another.
And if that wasn't enough (because you know me, I'm a giver:)... I'm also offering a monthly 1:1 coaching call with me for October, November, and December! ($2,250 value)
I know!
This will allow you to get personalized and powerful coaching for YOU in your specific life and situation!
But 1:1 coaching spots are limited, so be sure to sign up fast if you want one!
If you added up the value of all the modules, group coaching calls, unlimited access to me, and 1:1 calls, the total cost for Unfuckwithable would be $11,535!!
But you can join today for 75% off!!!
Why am I offering all this?
Because I want you to be unfuckwithable!
I want you to have it all!
I want you to turn this year around AND MAKE IT YOURS.
I want you to understand just how freakin powerful you are, and with the right support, tools, and coaching, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.
2020 doesn't have to be a shitshow.
- It can be the year of your rising.
- The year of your expansion.
- The year of your dominance.
Let this be the year that everything multiplies for you - your happiness, prosperity, success, impact, and income!
Let this be the year you become everything you were born to be.
Let 2020 be the REASON to do that - not the excuse!
Don't buy into the narrative that it's too late or it's not worth it.
YOU are worth it.
YOUR destiny is worth it.
YOUR happiness is worth it!
So let's do it, shall we?
Sign up for the Tier you want and let's gooo!
We start Monday, October 5th, so don't wait!
- 5 Worthiness Modules ($888 value)
- 5 How to Unfuck Yourself Modules ($888 value)
- 4 Monetize Your Sh*t Modules ($777 value)
- Unlimited Access to me in a private Facebook group ($2,991 value)
- 14 LIVE group coaching calls with me ($5,991 value)
- 3, 1:1 calls with me ($2,400 value)
Total Value: $11,535
You get it for only $2997! (75% off)
Tier 2: Content and Coaching Please!
- 5 Worthiness Modules ($888 value)
- 5 How to Unfuck Yourself Modules ($888 value)
- 4 Monetize Your Sh*t Modules ($777 value)
- Unlimited Access to me in a private Facebook group ($2,991 value)
- 14 LIVE group coaching calls with me ($5,991 value)
Total Value: $9,135
You get it for only $1997! (78% off!)
Tier 3: Content Please!
- 5 Worthiness Modules ($888 value)
- 5 How to Unfuck Yourself Modules ($888 value)
- 4 Monetize Your Sh*t Modules ($777 value)
Total Value: $2,553
You get it for only $997! (60% off!)
When you pay-in-full for ANY of the tiers, you get FREE access to my 4 module course called Founded and Grounded AF ($333 value!), where you will learn the Universal Laws that guide the universe AND YOUR LIFE.
Mastering universal laws is what helped me quantum leap so fast, which is why this course is near and dear to my heart.
Don't take this course if you want things to stay the same.
DO take this course if you want to radically uplevel your life.
I am so, so excited to offer you this bonus; it's the first time I've ever offered an entire course as a bonus, so claim this offer while you can! (I'll be selling this course again in the future, so get it while it's free!)
This course alone will change your life.
Hi. I'm Nikole.
And I deeply, deeply believe in your power and potential.
Ask any of my friends or clients, and they will tell you:
I do not play small.
I do not hold back.
And I don't let them play small or hold back.
I believe we live in a world where the Universe conspires for us, where even the shittiest things can be turned into gold, and you can have it all.
I offer 1:1 coaching, lead a mastermind, and teach online courses.
But there's something sacred about Unfuckwithable.
I have never offered something like this before.
I've never dropped new content every week for 14 weeks, much less the last 14 weeks of one of the most difficult years we've experienced.
I've never offered group coaching for 14 weeks either - that kind of support is limited to my high level mastermind.
I've also never offered 3, 1:1 calls within the same group - that is exclusively for my 1:1 clients.
But there's something special here.
All month long I've been thinking on and praying about what to offer you and what would best serve and support you.
And I kept getting stumped this time around (which is not the norm. Usually I have so many offers I have a hard time picking just one!).
I could tell God was up to something, and I was trying to tune in and figure out what that was (not that God was being mysterious; it was just me getting up all in my head about it) and then last week, on a call with my coach, a lightbulb went off and I knew EXACTLY what to offer you.
And that's where Unfuckwithable was born.
With the desire and intention to set you up for massive success, happiness, and abundance for the rest of 2020.
- To give you the content and coaching that will revolutionize your life and elevate you to where you're meant to go.
- To clear out the noise, release the idea that you're powerless, and have you step fully into your mind-blowing, world-creating, awe-inspiring power.
- To remind you that no one or nothing has power or control over your life (your joy / happiness / success / pleasure / prosperity / your destiny is yours and yours alone)!
All of those are your birthright - programmed right into your DNA, which means no one can fuck with it, not even 2020!
And if you lost sight of that knowing in 2020, that's okay! And totally understandable.
But you don't need to forget any longer.
It's time to come home - to your power, to your truth, to your worth, to your deep knowing that you didn't come this far just to come this far. There is more out there for you.
That's what Unfuckwithable is all about: to give you the foundation, tools, and support to make 2020 YOUR year and the catalyst for the best 3 months of your life.
And I would be honored to have you.
I love you.
I believe in you.
And I am here to support you every step of the way.
Let's do this, shall we?
Nikole Mitchell
(Read "Testimonials" here by clients and course students!)
- Is there a payment plan?
- YES! I love payment plans. It's a beautiful way to get what you want and give yourself time to pay it off at a pace that feels good to you. See each tier for the payment plans!
- What if I can't start right away?
- That's okay! You have lifetime access to whatever you sign up for (the modules, private Fb group, group coaching calls) so you can watch them whenever you get the chance (and watch them as many times as you want!). I truly believe the energy and power of each module is beautifully captured whether you watch it LIVE or on demand.
- How do I know if this is right for me?
- I have learned that my heart always knows the answer, even if my mind is having a harder time wrapping around it. So I get still, place my hands on my heart, and say, "I'm listening." And if there's anything I have learned over the years, it's this: Your heart is always right. The time is always now (quote by Amanda Frances). You can trust your heart, you can trust your desires, and you can trust your decisions. Always.
- Will you be offering this again in the future?
- I've never offered something like this before and don't know if or when I will again. So if you feel led to join us on this journey, I'd encourage you to sign up! With that said, I am planning on releasing these modules again in the future (Worthiness, How to Unfuck Yourself, and Monetize Your Sh*t) but the price will be higher than what they are right now (with Unfuckwithable, you get all 3 courses [14 modules] for $997; the next time I sell these courses, I'll be selling them between $500-800 each). So if you just want the courses alone, this will be the lowest price they'll ever be available for). So sign up for what you feel led to - as not only will it be the lowest price point, it will also give you support for the remainder of 2020, which, to me, is worth it. 🙂
- What's your refund policy?
- In all my years of coaching and teaching, I've never been asked for a refund. With that said, I understand that having a refund policy in place can make signing up a little easier. So upon signing up, you have instant access to the 5 Worthiness modules. Watch them, dig into them, do the journal prompts that come with them. If it's not speaking to you, send your completed journal prompts to within 24 hours of your purchase, and I will issue you a refund.